Jan's Outlaw Star, DBZ, Gundam Wing, Zoids, and Cowboy BeBop WebSite

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Outlaw Star and Gundam info

DBZ charactor info

Cowboy BeBop charactor info

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Welcome To My Home Page
To All The Fans Of Outlaw Star and other Ainime.
Here Is a Nice Web Page To Look At And Have Fun With. DBZ and 08th MS TEAM is here, also Gundam Wing and Cowboy BeBop too.
I'm starting to advertise
Anime Links - Wallpapers - Skins -Comics - Chat
Go TO my other sites Plz
If you go to my other sites I will add more things daily and then I won't be bored. Ohh wait I forgot 'bout you guys on visiting them well I'll tell you what you don't have to if you don't want to.

Site Enhancements


Queston of the Week
This weeks Queston is from:
Damon S.
He asked "When will you Have more updates for your site.
"Well, Damon, I must tell you that if I do it will be small things. This Free site doesn't do much and so well you get the Idea, but I do have a site that does have more updates maybe you should go there."

If you want to ask a queston Email it to me.

People Since Sept. 1, 2001 only if they SURVIVE
